Ignore the photos in the magazines and rejoice in the gift of aging. Your life has texture and you have increased wisdom. Take pleasure in who you are right now this very moment. Don't waste a moment in disappointment or negativity. Shine your beautiful light into the lives of those who love you and enjoy the reflection of love that returns to your beautiful self.
No, Passover cleaning made JOYFUL.I'm busy cleaning for Passover, the holiday that commemorates the exodus out of slavery of the Israelites. What that means is going through my whole house, cleaning as I go, searching and making sure there's not any little bit of food that will be forbidden during the upcoming holiday of Passover. It's kind of a spring cleaning, though that's not really the point. It's a daunting job. Seriously. The thing that irks me is that every year there are articles and lectures about making it an easy task. It's not. Let's get real. It's a lot of work and it's really smart to be organized and to start early. BUT, what we can do--and this applies to any task that is daunting, time consuming, important, or difficult--you can choose to do the work with joy.
When my mother in law was dying, she said to me that she hoped that were ever she was going, that there would be work to do. She told me she sure liked working. It totally changed the way I looked at work. It made me feel so grateful that I have the strength to work and not to take that for granted. So my dear, make the decision to enjoy the ride and you'll enjoy the results so much more. Love and blessings, Laya A few power questions:
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Our hands are such an important part of our daily life. We eat, clean, caress, and play using our hands. Our hands get us in through doors and out of messes. We can use our hands to communicate and our hands protect us.
There are those that say a map of your body is in your hands. (I remember learning a technique years ago for getting rid of headaches by pressing points on the hands.) The hands can even be a metaphor for how you're "handling" issues or life. Your hands are a simple and profound place to be kind to yourself. Small actions can have profound effects. Janine Cheung of HealthyBalancedBody.com shares how holding fingers can bring balance:
One of my personal self nurturing techniques is to lovingly apply hand cream. I keep hand cream next to my bed, in my desk drawer, in the kitchen, and in my purse. You can use a lovely cold pressed coconut or sesame oil as a hand softener. I use those (or olive oil) in the kitchen when I'm doing a lot of food preparation so that if it gets into any of the food, it's edible and clean. Having the "intention" of taking care of yourself as you take any small, nurturing action will deepen the peace it brings. May your path always be smooth and fragrant. May you handle things with grace and clarity. May you always have the strength to lend a hand, and to have the courage to take a hand. May you put your hands together in joy and appreciation. May you know when to let go, and when to open your hands to receive. May your heart help you to quietly hold someone's hand... or your own! Please "Like" and share. Some people just want to live in their own bubbles. They feel safe that way, or at lease they think they do. They don't want their bubbles burst. But, a "burst bubble" can be a breaking free from illusion. Breaking free from illusion, as painful as it can be, is actually a wonderful thing! In "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman, the main character tells his spiritual teacher about his disappointment because he was disillusioned about something. The teacher's response? It was time to celebrate! What a wonderful thing to live free of the illusions. Sometimes we need to pop those bubbles that we're living in. They are not serving us. At the same time, there are bubbles we can create, bubbles that set boundaries of energy or of thought, in a way like a prayer. What does that look like? Visualize in your mind's eye that you are surrounded by a bubble of color. No harmful thoughts can enter that place. You can imagine the people you love in protective bubbles as well. There is great power in visualization. If you haven't tapped into the power of imagination in creating reality, this is a great place to begin. If you have done this before, take a minute now to tap into this power once more. Beautiful women, experiment with the imagery of bubbles, use this idea to your advantage. Let the bubbles that are outdated and that do not serve you "pop". When judgments or old thoughts and beliefs are released, you are free to build yourself a reality that serves, builds, and even protects you. What area of your life would a protective bubble make safer? What thoughts or judgments can you let go of now? How can you use the imagery of popping those bubbles in your mind's eye to set yourself free? In the events and retreats that I give, I talk about "Beyond the Bubble Bath". We look for ways to self nurture. How about you actually allow yourself to dip right into a bubble bath for a change, but really give it to yourself, candle lights and all? Treat your inner child to the adventure and magic of bubbles as you release what needs to be released. Give yourself the gift of loving yourself though the proces. Please "Like" and share this with your friends
Comments, questions or ideas? I love to hear from you! <3 This is one of my all time favorite stories of waking up. I got permission to use this in my book: You Don't Have to Learn Everything the Hard Way. When my book was finally in print, I called the publisher to find out where to mail the author a copy of my book in gratitude. The woman at the publishing house was silent for a short moment. Then she told me that Portia Nelson, the author of this amazing piece had died years ago. I cried. I had never met Ms Nelson. But her words touched me so deeply, and still do. I hope they touch you, too. And that if you should find yourself falling into a hole in the sidewalk, maybe this story will help you wake up quickly so you can right climb out. An Autobiography in Five Short Chapters, by Portia Nelson
Laughter is good medicine. Books have been written about how laughter can heal. Laughter can heal. If "you see what you look for" how about looking for things that make you smile and even laugh? What makes you laugh? Are you open to new possibilities? If this made you smile, or even think that smiling is a good idea,
please "like" and share! <3 I planted flower seeds in my garden one spring. I watered them every day. They all got t he same sun, and were in the same small patch of soil. And what I saw should not have surprised me, but it did. Each seedling grew at its own pace. Some flowers bloomed much earlier, some much later. Each one had its own timing and I never thought less of the flowers that bloomed last. I enjoyed every single flower!
I know it won't surprise you to say that people don't grow and blossom at the same time either. Nothing does. But did you remember that about yourself? Each of us grows at the rate we grow at. That's perfect. You're exactly where you're supposed to be, right now! What's not fine is when we judge ourselves (or others) for not being where we thing we should be. Does this sound familiar? The unfolding of you is a precious process. And it's a beautiful process too. OK, so we don't always feel so precious and beautiful but we are! And we're heading in the right direction! The main thing is to be a s conscious as you can with the information you have. And to be kind to yourself along the way. You'll grow happier and more fully in a nurturing environment. Pul the weeds (negative thoughts), give yourself the right sun (love), nourishing soil (rest, healthy food), and water as needed (forgiveness). The compassionate unfolding of you is magnificently perfect. Is it half full or half empty? Or, is it overflowing?
It's a natural thing for women to give and give. The thing is, it's really important to give from a place of fullness and not a place of depletion. Giving when you feel depleted is a recipe for heartache and feeling used. So it's about balance. You must eat in order to have the energy to serve others. Remember when you travel by plane that each and every time you're reminded that if there's a need for oxygen masks, you need to put yours on first. If you pass out from no oxygen, you can't help anyone and you're just left hurting. So, here's the place to put on your oxygen mask. Here's the place to remember who you are. Here's the place to remember your feminine power and all the beauty that entails. Start with a deep, oxygen rich, joy filled breath. Here we go! |
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