In "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman, the main character tells his spiritual teacher about his disappointment because he was disillusioned about something. The teacher's response? It was time to celebrate! What a wonderful thing to live free of the illusions.
Sometimes we need to pop those bubbles that we're living in. They are not serving us. At the same time, there are bubbles we can create, bubbles that set boundaries of energy or of thought, in a way like a prayer. What does that look like? Visualize in your mind's eye that you are surrounded by a bubble of color. No harmful thoughts can enter that place. You can imagine the people you love in protective bubbles as well. There is great power in visualization. If you haven't tapped into the power of imagination in creating reality, this is a great place to begin. If you have done this before, take a minute now to tap into this power once more.
Beautiful women, experiment with the imagery of bubbles, use this idea to your advantage. Let the bubbles that are outdated and that do not serve you "pop". When judgments or old thoughts and beliefs are released, you are free to build yourself a reality that serves, builds, and even protects you.
What area of your life would a protective bubble make safer?
What thoughts or judgments can you let go of now? How can you use the imagery of popping those bubbles in your mind's eye to set yourself free?
In the events and retreats that I give, I talk about "Beyond the Bubble Bath". We look for ways to self nurture. How about you actually allow yourself to dip right into a bubble bath for a change, but really give it to yourself, candle lights and all? Treat your inner child to the adventure and magic of bubbles as you release what needs to be released. Give yourself the gift of loving yourself though the proces.
Comments, questions or ideas? I love to hear from you! <3