It's important to express and process your anger--in a way that does not hurt yourself or others. Here are a few ideas for you:
Write: stream of consciousness, let 'er rip, don't hold back. Then rip it to shreds or toss it into a fire and let it go.
Clean: I love a good cleaning frenzy. Put things away, throw (or give) things away, scrub away, stuff a pile of dirty laundry in the washer or what ever's up for you. Taking out the trash can be a metaphor for letting go of the "trash" in your life, the things that are making you upset. Then how about a shower or bath with all the nurturing you can muster for yourself.
Create Art: This is not about creating something pleasing or perfect. It's about the freedom to express and it's not about judging a dang thing or making something to frame or even share with anyone else. I call water color paints my "truth serum". I'm not a trained artist but there is something about putting color to paper (or canvas) that helps express emotions. The colors you choose, the shapes you make, all help you release. Markers, crayons, pieces of torn colored paper and glue can all be used. Scribbles or words or swirls, just let it out. Release your secrets in your art.
Pull weeds: Rip them outta there. Maybe another metaphor for cleaning out your thoughts and feelings or maybe there's something about the ionic charge of getting into the earth that is healing and balancing. Clear your garden, clear your mind.
Talk to God: The thing on the "outside" of you that is upsetting to you is a message. Can you hear the message? Can you see what you need to learn or how you need to direct yourself to get back in balance? "God has broad shoulders" and everything that comes your way comes for ultimately a good purpose--even when that's hard to see or comprehend. Talk to God, cry if you need to, until you're empty. Then rest.