I know it won't surprise you to say that people don't grow and blossom at the same time either. Nothing does. But did you remember that about yourself? Each of us grows at the rate we grow at. That's perfect. You're exactly where you're supposed to be, right now! What's not fine is when we judge ourselves (or others) for not being where we thing we should be. Does this sound familiar?
The unfolding of you is a precious process. And it's a beautiful process too. OK, so we don't always feel so precious and beautiful but we are! And we're heading in the right direction! The main thing is to be a s conscious as you can with the information you have. And to be kind to yourself along the way.
You'll grow happier and more fully in a nurturing environment. Pul the weeds (negative thoughts), give yourself the right sun (love), nourishing soil (rest, healthy food), and water as needed (forgiveness). The compassionate unfolding of you is magnificently perfect.